Orthodontics – Investing in Your Future

Most people only think of the cumbersome orthodontic device when hearing the word orthodontics. Yet the lengthy and many times unpleasant process of orthodontics is actually an investment. Neat teeth suggest a well-groomed and sophisticated person. With the help orthodontics you can eliminate annoying speech defects, and it is easier to maintain orderly teeth and to keep them healthy.

In our dentistry we see orthodontics as a treatment to improve a patient’s quality of life at. As a dentist it is not problem-solving that means a real success, but rather to treat patients in a way so that they will never ever have to face pain and discomfort again in their lives. This is why we provide orthodontic services with the utmost care, tailored to the needs of our patients.

Orthodontics in Childhood

Orthodontics can be started as early as the first primary teeth have just come out. In these cases we usually correct congenital disorders (e.g. cleft lip or palate). In doing so, the orthodontic specialist can even cooperate with an oral surgeon or a plastic surgeon.

Later on during the exfoliation of primary teeth the specialist can help in the healthy development of permanent teeth. Orthodontics then takes advantage of the mobility and growth of the teeth that are just erupting. The specialist not only performs dental procedures, but also explores any bad habits and gives advice, e.g. how the little ones can get rid of thumb sucking tongue thrust swallowing.

If you are uncertain, whether your child needs orthodontics, request an appointment for a preliminary examination via our website or by phone. Early orthodontics can prevent many problems in the future.

Orthodontics and Adolescence

Serious orthodontics can be started in the age of adolescence during the development of permanent teeth. In this case, the treatment requires a great attention and caution. It is very important to choose a specialist during this period, whom we can fully trust and who can deal not only with the patient’s teeth but also their state of mind.

At our dental clinic we strive to tailor physical processes to the needs of each and every patient as precisely as possible. Continuous X rays, precise adjustment of ratio pairs, planes, angles and the constant modification of the treatment plan are only a part of the process of orthodontics. It is also important for us to provide our patients of a sensitive age with a solution that will make them feel comfortable even during the orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontics can only be effective if the patient is cooperative as well. If it is uncomfortable for someone to wear the device or is ridiculed for braces, they can easily give up the process. That is why it is also in our interest to be able to provide an alternative solution for these cases, if necessary, with a night device, i.e. with „invisible” orthodontics.

Please, feel free to contact us even if you have already tried orthodontics before, but you think that the treatment was not appropriate.

Orthodontics in Adulthood? Yes, it is possible!

It is a misconception that it is no longer possible to correct teeth for an adult. It is true that in this case the bones and tissues are less flexible and the shape of the jaw is already established, but by finding the proper orthodontic method, spectacular results can be achieved even with adults.

It is never too late to start the process! Adult orthodontics also corrects aesthetic defects and makes your teeth easier to clean by removing corners and fusions. The treatment can be solved almost invisibly thanks to modern orthodontic methods. However, it is good to know that nowadays it does not look weird at all when an adult is wearing an orthodontic device. We had a patient, who shared with us that wearing braces at a job interview was considered to be a sign of self-esteem by the interviewers.

Register with us for an appointment for orthodontic consultation by phone or online via our website. We may be able to achieve an effective and spectacular improvement in your case as well.

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